Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Hate the dentist!!!!!

Hey Hey =)

I hope everyone had a great week! I had my last 2 days at Zimba mission hospital this week - it was really good. I did have a stretching experience though =) If you guys know me really well you know that I HATE one thing very much and that is the dentist. Well this week I was sent to the dental clinic. As soon as I walked in the dentist/chaplain was pulling a tooth with massive plyer like things. Lets just say I was not watching too much! My partner kept telling me to sit down hahah but I am just not a fan - It was really interesting to watch how they do things and yes it was better than being the patient but still was very hard for me =)

Also this week I got to visit a real 6 acre banana plantation, it was soooo neat. The women who worked on the plantation came running dancing and singing to welcome our group. After receiving a tour they cooked us a great lunch and just expressed how encouraged they were that we came! Again these people are so grateful for things that I would never think of!

The weekend was spent doing a lot of homework - We have a ton of papers due in the next couple weeks! I have definitely been glued to my computer. Church today was absolutely amazing though! I went to a different church than I normally do and I really enjoyed it - kinda felt like I was home for a week =)

I will try and post again this week because on Weds we leave for Lusaka which is the country's capital city and won't be returning back to our home here in Choma until very late Sunday night. Tomorrow though I am supposed to be doing home visits again out in the bush so if they are anything like they were last time I will definitely have some stories for you!

Keep praying for our safety here!!! We have had two interactions with camel spiders in the last 24 hours. They are the biggest spiders and the fastest ones I have ever seen. If you are curious you tube them - you will be shocked. Lets just say I was standing on a chair definitely screaming but not as loud as the rat I almost stepped on the other day =)

Love you all

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